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Casa Sponge

Pergola, Italy

+39 3394918011

Casa Sponge is the place where contemporary art and wellness resonate together by the will of its Art Director and his collaborators. From over 10 years its goal is to educate the local and national population to contemporary art and culture.


Casa Sponge is a multifaceted place, born 10 years ago as a Cultural Association by the will of Giovanni Gaggia, artist performer and current Art Director of the House.
It stands near the top of a gentle hill, surrounded by the woods and cultivated fields that are the symbol of Le Marche inland. A pleasant landscape, where with little effort it is possible to enjoy the serene atmosphere of the Apennines and its highest northern peaks. Half a kilometre from the building there’s the small village whose name only a novelist would have chosen: Mezzanotte (Midnight). Still, further on, in the valley carved by the Cesano river, we have Pergola, famous for its gilded bronzes from the Roman era, with its houses and churches in the medieval style of the thirteenth century. This is the same land that inspired Mario Giacomelli: famous photographer whose works are hosted in many international museums, such as the MoMa of New York.

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