Are you looking for a weekly market around Reggio Calabria ?. Every village, town has its weekly market, where the rites of all time are celebrated.
Here is the list of all markets in and around Reggio Calabria:
Monday markets around Reggio Calabria
- in Ciminà, in the city center (morning)
- in Gioia Tauro, in the city center (morning)
- in Maropati, in the city center (morning)
- in Melicucco, in the city center (morning)
Tuesday markets around Reggio Calabria
- in Bagnara Calabra, in the city center (morning)
- in Molochio, in the city center (morning)
- in Oppido Mamertina, in the city center (morning)
- in Roccella Jonica, in the city center (morning)
- in San Giorgio Morgeto, in the city center (morning)
- in Santa Cristina d'Aspromonte, in the city center (morning)
- in Stilo, in the city center (morning)
- in San Luca , in the city center (morning)
Wednesday markets around Reggio Calabria
- in Feroleto della Chiesa, in the city center (morning)
- in Mammola, in the city center (morning)
- in Monasterace, in the city center (morning)
- in Samo, in the city center (morning)
- in Scido, in the city center (morning)
- in Polistena, in the city center (morning)
- in Reggio Calabria, in the city center (morning)
Thursday markets around Reggio Calabria
- in Melicuccà, in the city center (morning)
- in Bianco, in the city center (morning)
- in Bova Marina, in the city center (morning)
- in Bruzzano Zeffirio, in the city center (morning)
- in Camini, in the city center (morning)
- in Candidoni, in the city center (morning)
- in Casignana, in the city center (morning)
- in Grotteria, in the city center (morning)
- in San Ferdinando di Rosarno, in the city center (morning)
- in Serrata, in the city center (morning)
- in Siderno, in the city center (morning)
- in Taurianova, in the city center (morning)
- in Villa San Giovanni, in the city center (morning)
- in Benestare, in the city center (morning)
Friday markets around Reggio Calabria
- in San Luca , in the city center (morning)
- in Cinquefrondi, in the city center (morning)
- in Cittanova, in the city center (morning)
- in Locri, in the city center (morning)
- in Montebello Ionico, in the city center (morning)
- in Rizziconi, in the city center (morning)
- in San Pietro di Caridà, in the city center (morning)
- in Scilla, in the city center (morning)
- in Staiti, in the city center (morning)
Saturday markets around Reggio Calabria
- in Polistena, in the city center (morning)
- in Reggio Calabria, in the city center (morning)
- in Africo Nuovo, in the city center (morning)
- in Caulonia, in the city center (morning)
- in Monasterace Marina, in the city center (morning)
- in Pazzano, in the city center (morning)
- in Riace, in the city center (morning)
- in Rosarno, in the city center (morning)
- in Seminara, in the city center (morning)
- in Varapodio, in the city center (morning)
Sunday markets around Reggio Calabria
- in Oppido Mamertina, in the city center (morning)
- in Bovalino, in the city center (morning)
- in Gioiosa Jonica, in the city center (morning)
- in S. Eufemia D'Aspromonte, in the city center (morning)
- in Laureana di Borrello, in the city center (morning)
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