The sagre (festivals) are an expression of the wine and food culture of Carbonia-Iglesias and its province.
Every year there are many festivals in the province of Carbonia-Iglesias in Sardegna. The month in which they are held is almost the same every year (for seasonal products or celebratory occasion), but the dates may vary
Sagre around Carbonia-Iglesias in the month of March
- Sagra Dei Ricci, in Buggerru, via Roma
- Sagra Del Riccio, in Buggerru. More informations
Sagre around Carbonia-Iglesias in the month of April
- Sagra Del Cus Cus Tabarchino, in Carloforte
Sagre around Carbonia-Iglesias in the month of May
- Sa Tundimenta , in Iglesias, Nebida
- Sagra di Sant'Antioco Martire , in Sant'antioco
Sagre around Carbonia-Iglesias in the month of August
- La Settimana Medievale , in Iglesias
- Sagra Estiva In Onore Di S.antioco Martire, in Sant'antioco. More informations
Sagre around Carbonia-Iglesias in the month of September
- Festa di Sancta Maria di Mezo Gosto e Candelieri , in Iglesias
- Sagra del pane , in Giba
Sagre around Carbonia-Iglesias in the month of October
- Sagra Delle Olive, in Villamassargia. More informations
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