Events in Stroncone
Stroncone is a town in the province of Terni, in Umbria.
It is situated in 450 m in height above the sea level and covers an area of 71 Km2.
The inhabitants are called stroncolini o stronconesi.
Patron Saint: Beato Antonio Vici da Stroncone (February 7).
On this page you will see all events in Stroncone.
About Me
In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Stroncone
Town festivities and fairs in Stroncone
- Arc Summer Day(Arc Summer Day), in the month of June.
Historical events and pageants in Stroncone
Fra gli eventi principali che si svolgono durante lanno si possono menzionare:
- La Sfida alla Beretta di Stroncone (The Challenge to the Stroncone Beretta ), in the month of August. More information http://www.evomedia.it/Page3.htm.
Sagre (festivals) in Stroncone
- Sagra De U'cecu Marito(Festival De U'cecu Husband), in the month of July. More information www.facebook.com/circoloacli.lolmo.
- Sagra della pappardella finocchietana(Festival of pappardelle finocchietana), in the month of June.
- Sapori in collina a Finocchieto di Stroncone(hill flavors Finocchieto of Stroncone), in the month of August.
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