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Events in Marostica

, Italia

Marostica is a town in the province of Vicenza, in Veneto.

On this page you will see all events in Marostica.

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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Marostica

Town festivities and fairs in Marostica

  • Antica Fiera Di San Simeone(Antica Fiera Di San Simeon), in the month of October. More information
  • Fiera Dei Talenti E Delle Virtu'(Fair Of Talent And Delle Virtu '), in the month of October. More information
  • Fiera Nazionale Di Apicoltura A Marostica(National Beekeeping Fair Of A Marostica), in the month of September.

Historical events and pageants in Marostica

Fra gli eventi principali che si svolgono durante l’anno si possono menzionare:

  • La partita a scacchi di Marostica (The game of chess in Marostica ), in the month of September. More information
  • La Partita A Scacchi Di Marostica(The Chess Game Of Marostica), in the month of September. More information

Sagre (festivals) in Marostica

  • Sagra dell'Assunta(Feast of the Assumption), in the month of August.
  • Sagra delle ciliegie(Cherry Festival), in the month of May.
  • Sagra di San Bortolo(Feast of San Bortolo), in the month of August.

Click here to find out the weekly market day in Marostica

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