Events in Atri
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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Atri
Town festivities and fairs in Atri
- A Filo D'olio(A Blade Of Oil), in the month of November.
- Antiche Tradizioni Atriane(Ancient traditions Atri), in the month of August.
- Atri A Tavola(Eating), in the month of July. More information www.promoeventi.org/.
- Pinta Tra I Dipinti(Pint Of The Paintings), in the month of June.
Festival in Atri
- Festival Internazionale Dei Duchi D'acquaviva(International Festival Dei Duchi d'Acquaviva), in the month of August. More information www.amicidellamusica2000.it/.
Historical events and pageants in Atri
Fra gli eventi principali che si svolgono durante lanno si possono menzionare:
- Il Corteo Storico della Contea di Atri (The historical procession of the County of Atri ), in the month of August. More information http://www.hatria.net/itinerari/acquaviva.htm.
Click here to find out the weekly market day in Atri
Add other events taking place in Atri. Contact us @Happings.