Markets in Barcelona

Market in Abrera
The weekly market in Abrera, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Passeig de l'Esglés...

Market in Aiguafreda
The weekly market in Aiguafreda, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in Plaça Aj...

Market in Alella
The weekly market in Alella, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in Plaça dels Germans L...

Market in Arenys de Mar
The weekly market in Arenys de Mar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, i...

Market in Arenys de Munt
The weekly market in Arenys de Munt, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, ...

Market in Argentona
The weekly market in Argentona, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in Plaça de Ve...

Market in Artés
The weekly market in Artés, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Passeig Diagonal...

Market in Avinyó
The weekly market in Avinyó, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Carrer Jaume Ba...

Market in Avià
The weekly market in Avià, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Avinguda Pau Casals...

Market in Badalona
The weekly market in Badalona, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Avinguda Pri...

Market in Badia del Vallès
The weekly market in Badia del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every...

Market in Bagà
The weekly market in Bagà, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Plaça Porxada...

Market in Balsareny
The weekly market in Balsareny, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in Plaça de ...

Market in Barberà del Vallès
The weekly market in Barberà del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Barcelona
The weekly market in Barcelona, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, in Plaça Glori...

Market in Berga
The weekly market in Berga, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Passeig de la Indústr...

Market in Bigues i Riells
The weekly market in Bigues i Riells, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Satur...

Market in Cabrera de Mar
The weekly market in Cabrera de Mar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday,...

Market in Cabrils
The weekly market in Cabrils, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Carrer Emilià Ca...

Market in Calaf
The weekly market in Calaf, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Plaça dels Arbres...

Market in Caldes d'Estrac
The weekly market in Caldes d'Estrac, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Frida...

Market in Caldes de Montbui
The weekly market in Caldes de Montbui, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every...

Market in Calella
The weekly market in Calella, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Plaça del Merca...

Market in Calldetenes
The weekly market in Calldetenes, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Carrer...

Market in Callús
The weekly market in Callús, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Passeig d'Ansel...

Market in Canet de Mar
The weekly market in Canet de Mar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in ...

Market in Canovelles
The weekly market in Canovelles, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Passeig d...

Market in Canyelles
The weekly market in Canyelles, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Carrer de R...

Market in Capellades
The weekly market in Capellades, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Plaça d...

Market in Cardedeu
The weekly market in Cardedeu, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, in Carrer Doctor F...

Market in Cardona
The weekly market in Cardona, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Plaça de la Fira...

Market in Casserres
The weekly market in Casserres, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in Carrer Ros...

Market in Castellar de n'Hug
The weekly market in Castellar de n'Hug, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ev...

Market in Castellar del Vallès
The weekly market in Castellar del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Castellbell i el Vilar
The weekly market in Castellbell i el Vilar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Castellbisbal
The weekly market in Castellbisbal, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, in ...

Market in Castelldefels
The weekly market in Castelldefels, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, ...

Market in Castellgalí
The weekly market in Castellgalí, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in ...

Market in Castellterçol
The weekly market in Castellterçol, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday...

Market in Centelles
The weekly market in Centelles, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Plaça Major...

Market in Cerdanyola del Vallès
The weekly market in Cerdanyola del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Cervelló
The weekly market in Cervelló, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Rambla Jo...

Market in Collbató
The weekly market in Collbató, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Rambla Mansu...

Market in Corbera de Llobregat
The weekly market in Corbera de Llobregat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Cornellà de Llobregat
The weekly market in Cornellà de Llobregat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Cànoves i Samalús
The weekly market in Cànoves i Samalús, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in El Masnou
The weekly market in El Masnou, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Plaça d'Es...

Market in El Pla del Penedès
The weekly market in El Pla del Penedès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in El Prat de Llobregat
The weekly market in El Prat de Llobregat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Esparreguera
The weekly market in Esparreguera, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in C...

Market in Esplugues de Llobregat
The weekly market in Esplugues de Llobregat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Fonollosa
The weekly market in Fonollosa, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Canet de Fal...

Market in Gelida
The weekly market in Gelida, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, in Paseo de Josep Rosell...

Market in Granollers
The weekly market in Granollers, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in Plaça ...

Market in Guardiola de Berguedà
The weekly market in Guardiola de Berguedà, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Igualada
The weekly market in Igualada, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Carrer Santa...

Market in L'Ametlla del Vallès
The weekly market in L'Ametlla del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat
The weekly market in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is...

Market in La Garriga
The weekly market in La Garriga, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Plaça ...

Market in La Llagosta
The weekly market in La Llagosta, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in Carr...

Market in La Palma de Cervelló
The weekly market in La Palma de Cervelló, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in La Pobla de Lillet
The weekly market in La Pobla de Lillet, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ev...

Market in La Roca del Vallès
The weekly market in La Roca del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in La Torre de Claramunt
The weekly market in La Torre de Claramunt, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Les Franqueses del Vallès
The weekly market in Les Franqueses del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia),...

Market in Les Masies de Voltregà
The weekly market in Les Masies de Voltregà, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held:...

Market in Llinars del Vallès
The weekly market in Llinars del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Lliçà d'Amunt
The weekly market in Lliçà d'Amunt, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunda...

Market in Lliçà de Vall
The weekly market in Lliçà de Vall, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Satur...

Market in Malgrat de Mar
The weekly market in Malgrat de Mar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday...

Market in Manlleu
The weekly market in Manlleu, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, in Plaça del Mercat...

Market in Manresa
The weekly market in Manresa, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Carrer de Frai Ja...

Market in Martorell
The weekly market in Martorell, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Plaça de...

Market in Martorelles
The weekly market in Martorelles, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Can ...

Market in Masquefa
The weekly market in Masquefa, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Plaça de l'Es...

Market in Matadepera
The weekly market in Matadepera, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in Plaça ...

Market in Mataró
The weekly market in Mataró, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Carrer Enric Pra...

Market in Mediona
The weekly market in Mediona, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Cases Noves de Ca...

Market in Moià
The weekly market in Moià, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Plaça de lEsglésia...

Market in Molins de Rei
The weekly market in Molins de Rei, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in ...

Market in Mollet del Vallès
The weekly market in Mollet del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ev...

Market in Montcada i Reixac
The weekly market in Montcada i Reixac, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every...

Market in Montgat
The weekly market in Montgat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Plaça de la Vi...

Market in Montmeló
The weekly market in Montmeló, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in Passeig de l...

Market in Montornès del Vallès
The weekly market in Montornès del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Navàs
The weekly market in Navàs, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Passeig Ramon Vall...

Market in Olesa de Montserrat
The weekly market in Olesa de Montserrat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Olivella
The weekly market in Olivella, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Olivella...

Market in Palafolls
The weekly market in Palafolls, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Carrer Mas...

Market in Palau-Solità i Plegamans
The weekly market in Palau-Solità i Plegamans, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is...

Market in Parets del Vallès
The weekly market in Parets del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ev...

Market in Piera
The weekly market in Piera, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Plaça Mar i Cel...

Market in Pineda de Mar
The weekly market in Pineda de Mar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, ...

Market in Polinyà
The weekly market in Polinyà, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, in Carrer Rambla...

Market in Prats de Lluçanès
The weekly market in Prats de Lluçanès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Premià de Dalt
The weekly market in Premià de Dalt, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesd...

Market in Premià de Mar
The weekly market in Premià de Mar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday...

Market in Puig-reig
The weekly market in Puig-reig, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in Passeig de l...

Market in Ripollet
The weekly market in Ripollet, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Plaça Pere ...

Market in Roda de Ter
The weekly market in Roda de Ter, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in Carr...

Market in Rubí
The weekly market in Rubí, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Carrer Antoni Sedó...

Market in Sabadell
The weekly market in Sabadell, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, in Plaça del Merc...

Market in Sallent
The weekly market in Sallent, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Sunday, in Avinguda Verge del...

Market in Sant Adrià de Besòs
The weekly market in Sant Adrià de Besòs, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Andreu de Llavaneres
The weekly market in Sant Andreu de Llavaneres, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is...

Market in Sant Andreu de la Barca
The weekly market in Sant Andreu de la Barca, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held:...

Market in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor
The weekly market in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is he...

Market in Sant Boi de Llobregat
The weekly market in Sant Boi de Llobregat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Celoni
The weekly market in Sant Celoni, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Car...

Market in Sant Climent de Llobregat
The weekly market in Sant Climent de Llobregat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is...

Market in Sant Cugat del Vallès
The weekly market in Sant Cugat del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Esteve de Sesrovires
The weekly market in Sant Esteve de Sesrovires, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is...

Market in Sant Feliu de Codines
The weekly market in Sant Feliu de Codines, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Feliu de Llobregat
The weekly market in Sant Feliu de Llobregat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held:...

Market in Sant Fruitós de Bages
The weekly market in Sant Fruitós de Bages, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Joan Despí
The weekly market in Sant Joan Despí, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Mo...

Market in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada
The weekly market in Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is he...

Market in Sant Jordi
The weekly market in Sant Jordi, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Plaza E...

Market in Sant Llorenç Savall
The weekly market in Sant Llorenç Savall, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Llorenç d'Hortons
The weekly market in Sant Llorenç d'Hortons, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held:...

Market in Sant Pere de Ribes
The weekly market in Sant Pere de Ribes, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ev...

Market in Sant Pere de Riudebitlles
The weekly market in Sant Pere de Riudebitlles, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is...

Market in Sant Pere de Torelló
The weekly market in Sant Pere de Torelló, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Pol de Mar
The weekly market in Sant Pol de Mar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Frida...

Market in Sant Quirze de Besora
The weekly market in Sant Quirze de Besora, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Quirze del Vallès
The weekly market in Sant Quirze del Vallès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held:...

Market in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia
The weekly market in Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Sant Salvador de Guardiola
The weekly market in Sant Salvador de Guardiola, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia),...

Market in Sant Vicenç de Castellet
The weekly market in Sant Vicenç de Castellet, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is...

Market in Sant Vicenç de Montalt
The weekly market in Sant Vicenç de Montalt, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held:...

Market in Sant Vicenç dels Horts
The weekly market in Sant Vicenç dels Horts, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held:...

Market in Santa Coloma de Gramenet
The weekly market in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is he...

Market in Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana
The weekly market in Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia),...

Market in Santa Margarida de Montbui
The weekly market in Santa Margarida de Montbui, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia),...

Market in Santa Margarida i els Monjos
The weekly market in Santa Margarida i els Monjos, in the area of Barcelona (Catal...

Market in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda
The weekly market in Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is...

Market in Santa Susanna
The weekly market in Santa Susanna, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in...

Market in Santpedor
The weekly market in Santpedor, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in Carrer Roger...

Market in Sentmenat
The weekly market in Sentmenat, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in Passeig Jose...

Market in Sitges
The weekly market in Sitges, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in Passeig de Vilafran...

Market in Súria
The weekly market in Súria, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Pla de la Font...

Market in Taradell
The weekly market in Taradell, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Plaça de le...

Market in Teià
The weekly market in Teià, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Monday, in TeiàDiscov...

Market in Terrassa
The weekly market in Terrassa, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Avenida de B...

Market in Tiana
The weekly market in Tiana, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Plaça de la Vila...

Market in Tona
The weekly market in Tona, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Friday, in Plaça MajorDi...

Market in Tordera
The weekly market in Tordera, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thursday, in Sant Pere - Carr...

Market in Vacarisses
The weekly market in Vacarisses, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Plaça ...

Market in Vallromanes
The weekly market in Vallromanes, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, in Ramb...

Market in Vic
The weekly market in Vic, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Plaça Majorevery Sa...

Market in Viladecans
The weekly market in Viladecans, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Wednesday, in Avingu...

Market in Viladecavalls
The weekly market in Viladecavalls, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Saturday, i...

Market in Vilafranca del Penedès
The weekly market in Vilafranca del Penedès, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held:...

Market in Vilalba Sasserra
The weekly market in Vilalba Sasserra, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tu...

Market in Vilanova del Camí
The weekly market in Vilanova del Camí, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ev...

Market in Vilanova i la Geltrú
The weekly market in Vilanova i la Geltrú, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: ...

Market in Vilassar de Dalt
The weekly market in Vilassar de Dalt, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every We...

Market in Vilassar de Mar
The weekly market in Vilassar de Mar, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Thurs...

Market in Òdena
The weekly market in Òdena, in the area of Barcelona (Catalonia), is held: every Tuesday, in Plaça Major...
Markets in Catalonia
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