Join one of the events in Thiene, in the province of Vicenza (Veneto). In this page you will find a list of the main events held every year in Thiene.
Sagre (festivals) in Thiene
- Festa bavarese (Bavarian Feast), in the month of September. More information at .
- Sagra Della Poenta E Bacalà (Sagra della Poenta and Baccalà), in the month of October. More information at
- Sagra di Sant'Antonio (The Festival of Sant'Antonio), in the month of June. More information at .
Traditional events in Thiene
- Mercato Rinascimentale e Nozze Storiche (i due eventi sono svolti ad anni alterni) (Renaissance market and Historical Wedding (the two events are carried out in alternate years)), The first two weekends in October. More information at .
- Thiene 1492 (Thiene 1492), in the month of October. More information at
What to do today and in the coming days in Thiene? Find dates and addresses of all events taking place today and the next few days in Thiene at the event's page of Thiene, or check the map to see all current events around you.
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