Join one of the events in Montagnana, in the province of Padova (Veneto). In this page you will find a list of the main events held every year in Montagnana.
Town festivities and fairs in Montagnana
- Festa 1° Maggio (Feast 1 May), The first May. More information at
- Festa Del Melone Montagnanese (Feast of the Melon Montagnanese), in the month of June. More information at
- Festa del Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo "Dolce di Montagnana" (Feast of Prosciutto Veneto Berico-Euganeo "Sweet of Montagnana" ), In May. More information at
- Gusto Italiano (Italian Taste), in the month of September. More information at
- Montagnanese In Fiera (Montagnanese In Fiera), in the month of September. More information at
- Vino, Castagne E Altri Sapori D'autunno (Wine, chestnuts and other flavors of autumn), in the month of November. More information at
Sagre (festivals) in Montagnana
- Festa Dell' Assunta (The feast of the Assumption), in the month of August. More information at
Traditional events in Montagnana
- Palio Dei Dieci Comuni (Palio of the ten municipalities), in the month of August. More information at
- Palio dei Dieci Comuni (con corteo storico in costume medioevale) (Palio of the ten municipalities (with historical procession in medieval costume)), First Sunday of September. More information at
- Festa Patronale in onore della Madonna della Salute (Patronal Feast in honor of the Madonna della Salute), 21 November. More information at
What to do today and in the coming days in Montagnana? Find dates and addresses of all events taking place today and the next few days in Montagnana at the event's page of Montagnana, or check the map to see all current events around you.
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