Every year numerous events are held in Varese in Lombardia. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions

Events around Varese in the month of July
- A Corte Dai Visconti (A Corte From the Visconti), Somma Lombardo, in the month of July. More information http://www.prolocosommalombardo.com/
- Festa e Cena Medievale A Corte dai Visconti (Day and Medieval Dinner at the Visconti Court), Somma Lombardo, in the month of July. More information http://prolocosommalombardo.com/
- Festa Nel Bosco Di Capra (Feast In The Woods Goat), Vergiate, in the month of July
- Grande Festa D'estate (Great Festival summer), Luino, in the month of July. More information http://www.comune.pontesanpietro.bg.it/
- Melone E Zola Festa Sul Lago (Melon And Zola Festa On The Lake), Gavirate, in the month of July. More information http://www.gallorosso.it/
Events around Varese in the month of May
- Fuori Di Festa (Out Of Festival), Cocquio-trevisago, in the month of May
- Sumirago Sound E Sport (Sumirago Sound And Sports), Sumirago, in the month of May
- Una Giornata Nel Settecento (A Day In the eighteenth century), Casalzuigno, in the month of May. More information http://www.comuneroccaromana.gov.it/
Events around Varese in the month of October
- Celtic New Year (Celtic New Year), Busto Arsizio, in the month of October. More information http://www.facebook.com/novemberfestcastiglionfiorentino/
Events around Varese in the month of June
- Bisboccia Fest (Bisboccia Fest), Carnago, in the month of June
- Festa Delle Arti Dei Sapori E Della Cultura (Festival Of Arts And Culture Of Flavors), Arcisate, in the month of June. More information http://www.comune.soliera.mo.it/
- Grande Festa Per Tutti (Grand Feast For All), Marnate, in the month of June
- Festa Ungherese Del Solstizio D'estate (Hungarian Festival Of The Summer Solstice), Cocquio-trevisago, in the month of June. More information http://www.fortetodellaluja.it/
- Ski & Grill (Ski & Grill), Malnate, in the month of June
Events around Varese in the month of September
- Festa Dello Gnocco Fritto (Feast Of fried dumplings), Gemonio, in the month of September
- Festa Dell'agricoltore (farmer's Feast), Tradate, in the month of September. More information http://www.comune.nave.bs.it/
- Funghi E Zucche (Mushrooms And Pumpkins), Vergiate, in the month of September. More information http://www.facebook.com/events/210066399184317/?fref=ts
- Oneda In Festa (Oneda In Festa), Sesto Calende, in the month of September
Events around Varese in the month of April
- Una Grigliata Fa Primavera! (A Grilled It Spring!), Castelveccana, in the month of April. More information http://turismo.comune.re.it/
- Resistenza In Festa (Resistance In Festa), Gemonio, in the month of April. More information http://www.comune.bustoarsizio.va.it/
Events around Varese in the month of January
- Festa Della Gioeubia (Festa Della Gioeubia), Gallarate, in the month of January
- Savi Vincenti Dj (Savi Vincenti Dj), Cassano Magnago, in the month of January. More information http://www.napolipizzafest.com/
Events around Varese in the month of March
- Palio dei Castelli (Palio dei Castelli), Castiglione Olona, in the month of March. More information http://www.prolococastiglioneolona.it/
Events around Varese in the month of November
- Bimbi In Festa (Bimbi In Festa), Malnate, in the month of November
- San Martino A Luino (San Martino In Luino), Luino, in the month of November
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You can find the list of all the events held in Varese at Varese's events page