Every year numerous events are held in Trento in Trentino-Alto Adige/Südtirol. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions

Events around Trento in the month of July
- Ala Città Di Velluto (Wing City Velvet), Ala, in the month of July. More information http://hiphoprevolution.altervista.org/
- Festa De La Dorc E Del Vin (Festa De La Dorc And Vin), a Siror, Siror, in the month of July. More information http://www.siror.eu/
- Festa della Charta della Regola (Feast of the Charta of the Rule), Cavareno, in the month of July. More information http://www.cavareno.org/
- FESTE MANDRUZZIANE (MANDRUZZIANE FESTIVALS), Trento, c/o Castello Borgiano e Centro Storico, Trento, in the month of July. More information prolococalavino.it/lenostreiniziative/festemadruzziane/
- Feste Medioevali A Pergine (Medieval Festival In Pergine), Pergine Valsugana, in the month of July. More information http://www.comune.pergine.tn.it/
- La Leggenda dei Velluti di Ala (Legend of the velvets of Ala), Ala, in the month of July. More information http://www.cittadivelluto.it/home.htm
- Stella Alpina (Alpine star), Trento, in the month of July. More information mailto:info@scuderiatrentinastorica.it
- Te Anter I Tobié (Te Anter I Tobiè), a Canazei, Canazei, in the month of July. More information http://www.teanteritobie.it/
Events around Trento in the month of May
- Festa Di San Isidoro A Pratosaiano (Of San Isidoro A Pratosaiano Festival), ad Arco, località Pratosaiano, Arco, in the month of May
- Festa In Ciamp (Feast In Ciamp), Tassullo, in the month of May. More information https://instagram.com/bisbocciafest
- Il Comun Comunale di Isera (The City of Comun Isera), Isera, in the month of May. More information http://www.comune.nogaredo.tn.it/turismo_e_manifestazioni/comun_comunale.htm
Events around Trento in the month of October
- Festa Del Riuso (Del Reuse Festival), Mezzana, in the month of October
- Ganzega d'autunno (Ganzega autumn), Mori, in the month of October. More information http://www.ganzega.it/
- Oktoberfest Di Predazzo (Oktoberfest Of Predazzo), Predazzo, in the month of October
Events around Trento in the month of June
- Feste Vigiliane (Vigiliane Celebrations), Trento, in the month of June. More information http://www.festevigiliane.it/
- Le Feste Vigiliane di Trento (The Parties Vigiliane of Trento), Trento, in the month of June. More information http://www.festevigiliane.ithtm/
- Un Borgo E Il Suo Fiume (A Town And Its River), Rovereto, in the month of June
Events around Trento in the month of September
- Desmontegada Di Predazzo (Desmontegada Of Predazzo), Predazzo, in the month of September
- Desmontegar (Desmontegar), Predazzo, in the month of September. More information http://www.marola.it/
- DISFIDA DI CASTEL BESENO 2016 - Gara di Arcieria Storica (CHALLENGE OF CASTEL BESENO 2016 - Historical Archery Competition), Besenello, per le vie del borgo, Trento, in the month of September. More information info@luporumfilii.it
- Fera Dei Set (Fera sets), Ossana, in the month of September
- Festa Del Ciao (Festival Of Hello), Mezzolombardo, in the month of September. More information mailto:viaggiaitalia@gmail.com
- San Matè (San Matè), Brentonico, in the month of September. More information http://www.comune.desio.mb.it/
- Gran Festa Della Fisarmonica (Great Accordion Festival), Grumes, in the month of September
- La Desmontegada (The Desmontegada), Cavalese, in the month of September. More information http://www.visitfiemme.it/
- Uva e dintorni (Grapes and surroundings), Avio, in the month of September. More information http://www.uvaedintorni.com/
Events around Trento in the month of April
- Festa Del Primo Maggio (Festival Of The May Day), Brentonico, in the month of April
- Quattro Ville In Fiore (Four Houses In Bloom), Tassullo, in the month of April
Events around Trento in the month of August
- Festa A Malga Tessulla (A Feast Malga Tessulla), Tassullo, in the month of August. More information http://www.silandro-lasa.it/
- Festa Ta Mont (Festa Ta Mont), Pozza Di Fassa, in the month of August. More information http://www.festatamont.it/
- Il Palio dei Draghi di Caldonazzo (The Palio of Caldonazzo Dragons), Caldonazzo, in the month of August. More information http://www.camperweb.it/camper_feste/feste/trentino_alto_adige/trento/TRENTO/palio_dei_draghi.htm
- Il Palio del Brenta di Borgo Valsugana (The Palio del Brenta Borgo Valsugana), Borgo Valsugana, in the month of August
- La Charta della Regola di Cavareno (The Charta of the Rule of Cavareno), Cavareno, in the month of August. More information http://www.cavareno.com/regola2001
- Magiaceltica (Magiaceltica), Pergine Valsugana, in the month of August. More information http://www.zivignago87.it/
- Notte di Note (Notes Night), Bolbeno, in the month of August
- Palio Dela Brenta Al Borgo (Palio dela Brenta Al Borgo), Borgo Valsugana, in the month of August. More information http://www.paliodelabrenta.it/
- Palio raglio (Palio Bray), Cembra, in the month of August. More information http://www.comunedicembra.it/
- Raglio Palio (bray Palio), Cembra, in the month of August. More information http://belindaluciani.it/
Events around Trento in the month of January
- Carneval Di Fassa (Carneval Di Fassa), Moena, in the month of January. More information http://www.comune.asola.mn.it/
- Chiarano In Festa (Chiarano In Festa), Arco, in the month of January. More information http://www.facebook.com/newmoodbeach2013?fref=pb&hc_location=friends_tab
- Il Processo alle streghe di Cavalese (The Process witch Cavalese), Cavalese, in the month of January. More information http://www.valdifiemme.it/asp/contenuti/parlanodifiemme/parlanodifiemme_scheda.asp?IDP=516&IdCat=4
- Processo Alle Streghe (Process At Witches), Cavalese, in the month of January. More information http://www.visitfiemme.it/
Events around Trento in the month of March
- Campionato Nazionale A.n.a. (Ana National Championship), Siror, in the month of March
- Mercatino di Pasqua (Easter Market), Borgo Valsugana, in the month of March
Events around Trento in the month of February
- La Lugiangia (The Lugiangia), Tassullo, in the month of February. More information http://www.lovevda.it/
- S. Valentino (S. Valentino), Pinzolo, in the month of February. More information http://www.comune.pinzolo.tn.it/
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You can find the list of all the events held in Trento at Trento's events page