Every year numerous events are held in Rieti in Lazio. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions

Events around Rieti in the month of July
- Antrodoco Tra Villani E Cortigiani (Antrodoco Among Villani And Courtiers), Antrodoco, in the month of July
- Festa Del Donatore (Festival Of The Donor), Amatrice, in the month of July. More information http://www.maciano.it/associazione7borgate.asp
- Festa del Sole (Festival of the Sun), Rieti, in the month of July. More information http://www.festadelsolerieti.it/
- I giorni del Velita (The days of Velita), Greccio, in the month of July. More information http://www.prolocogreccio.it/
- Torri Torna A Rivivere (Towers Back To Revive), Torri In Sabina, in the month of July
Events around Rieti in the month of May
- Festa Di Casale Nibbi (Casale Of Kites Festival), Amatrice, in the month of May
- Festa Di San Vincenzo Ferrer (Of St. Vincenzo Ferrer Feast), Montebuono, in the month of May
- NUOVA GIOSTRA DEL GONFALONE - PALIO DELL'ANELLO 2016 (NEW CAROUSEL OF BANNER - WIN THE RING 2016), Magliano Sabina, c/o Cortile del Castello Estense, Rieti, in the month of May. More information web.tiscali.it/gonfalone/
Events around Rieti in the month of June
- Giostra del Gonfalone e Palio dell'Anello (Joust of the Banner and Palio of the Ring), Magliano Sabina, in the month of June. More information http://www.comune.maglianosabina.ri.it/
- Il Palio del Velluto di Leonessa (The Palio of Velvet Leonessa), Leonessa, in the month of June. More information http://www.leonessa.org/palio2003/palio.htm
- Otto giorni nel Medioevo (Eight days in the Middle Ages), Bocchignano, Montopoli di Sabina, in the month of June. More information http://www.bucciniano.it/
- PALIO DEL VELLUTO (WIN VELVET), Leonessa, Piazza Mandruzzo, per le vie del Borgo, Rieti, in the month of June. More information www.ilpaliodelvelluto.it/
Events around Rieti in the month of September
- Festa Della Fiducia (Feast Of Trust), Amatrice, in the month of September. More information http://www.comunediatessa.it/
Events around Rieti in the month of April
- Primaverissima (Primaverissima), Amatrice, in the month of April
- Resist (Resist), Montopoli Di Sabina, in the month of April
Events around Rieti in the month of August
- Assalto al Castello (Storming the Castle), Contigliano, in the month of August
- Due Giorni Al Medioevo (Two Days In the Middle Ages), Montopoli Di Sabina, in the month of August
- Festa Di Maria Santissima Assunta In Cielo (Di Maria Santissima Assunta Feast In Heaven), Montebuono, in the month of August
- Fiera di Ferragosto (Fiera di Ferragosto), Borbona, in the month of August. More information http://www.comune.borbona.rieti.it/
- Il Medioevo in Festa di Roccantica (The Medieval Festival in Roccantica), Roccantica, in the month of August. More information http://www.roccantica.org/medioevo.htm
- L'Incoronazione di Carlo II d'Angiò a Rieti (The Coronation of Charles II of Anjou in Rieti), Rieti, in the month of August. More information http://www.rietinet.it/video
- Medioevo In Festa (In the Middle Ages Festival), Roccantica, in the month of August. More information http://www.medioevoinfesta.com/
- Per Vicoli E Piazzette (For Alleys And Piazzette), Montebuono, in the month of August. More information http://www.facebook.com/proloco.pedagaggi/?ref=ts&fref=ts
Events around Rieti in the month of December
- Il primo Presepe di Greccio (The first Nativity in Greccio), Greccio, in the month of December. More information http://www.telpress.it/greccio/default.htm
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You can find the list of all the events held in Rieti at Rieti's events page