Every year numerous events are held in Monza e della Brianza in Lombardia. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions

Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of July
- Festa Della Proloco (Festa Della Proloco), Ceriano Laghetto, in the month of July
- Festa Di Solidarietà (Feast Of Solidarity), Besana In Brianza, in the month of July
- Medioevo al castello (Medieval castle), Sulbiate, in the month of July. More information http://www.comune.sulbiate.mi.it/
- Notte Bianca Vimercate (White Night Vimercate), Vimercate, in the month of July. More information http://www.comune.mergozzo.vb.it/
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of May
- Palio Degli Zoccoli (Palio Of Wooden Clogs), Desio, in the month of May. More information http://www.comune.desio.mb.it/
- Pratinfesta (Pratinfesta), Desio, in the month of May. More information http://www.aicabarge.it/
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of October
- Festa Dei Cortili (Festa Dei Courtyards), Ceriano Laghetto, in the month of October
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of June
- Brugora In Festa (Brugora In Festa), Besana In Brianza, in the month of June
- Corteo Storico (Historical parade), Monza, in the month of June. More information http://www.comune.monza.it/
- Festa Del Campo Volo (Festa Del Campo Flight), Cogliate, in the month of June
- Il Palio di Lissone (The Palio of Liss), Lissone, in the month of June. More information http://temi.provincia.mi.it/cultura/metropoli/scheda_com.asp?ID=25
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of September
- Burago In Festa (Burago In Festa), Burago Di Molgora, in the month of September
- Festa Abruzzese (Abruzzese Festival), Concorezzo, in the month of September
- Festa Dei Remigini (Festa Dei Remigini), Villasanta, in the month of September. More information http://www.facebook.com/pages/Associazione-Gusto-Italiano/563261357056424?fref=t
- Summer Break (Summer Break), Villasanta, in the month of September. More information http://www.cividale.net/
- Fiera Di S. Eustorgio (Fiera Di S. Eustorgio), ad Arcore, Arcore, in the month of September
- Il Palio deglia asini di Barlassina (The Palio deglia donkeys Barlassina), Barlassina, in the month of September
- Il Palio Renatese di Renate (The Palio Renatese Renate), Renate, in the month of September
- La Sardegna A Villasanta (Sardinia A Villasanta), Villasanta, in the month of September. More information http://www.racine.ra.it/
- Palio Di Avucat (Palio Di Avucat), Piazza Della Pace, Caponago, in the month of September. More information mailto:info@paliodicaponago.it
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of April
- Festival del volo (Flight Festival), Monza, in the month of April. More information http://www.festivaldelvolo.it/
- Omaggi A Maria (Gifts To Mary), Lazzate, in the month of April
- Seveso in Fiore (Seveso in Fiore), Seveso, in the month of April. More information http://www.sevesoinfiore.it/
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of August
- Notte Di Fine Estate (Summer Late Night), Lentate Sul Seveso, in the month of August. More information http://www.prolocoligea.it/
- Oktoberfest Brianza (Oktoberfest Brianza), Seregno, in the month of August
- Salamelle In Sol Maggiore (Salamelle In G Major), Brugherio, in the month of August. More information http://www.isolstizio.it/
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of January
- Bruciamo L'inverno (We burn Winter), Brugherio, in the month of January. More information http://www.facebook.com/TerraseoPaeseCulturaTradizione
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of March
- Festa De La Madona De Marz (Festa De La Madona De Marz), a Cogliate, località San Damiano, Cogliate, in the month of March
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of December
- Festa Di San Clemente (Festa Di San Clemente), Seveso, in the month of December. More information http://www.lovevda.it/
Events around Monza e della Brianza in the month of February
- Canto E Ballo Con Stefano E Daniele (Singing And Dancing With Stefano And Daniel), Nova Milanese, in the month of February. More information http://www.agostbierfest.it/
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