Every year numerous events are held in Milano in Lombardia. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions

Events around Milano in the month of July
- Festa Madonna Della Neve (Party Madonna Della Neve), Parabiago, in the month of July. More information http://www.prolococrispiano.it/
- La Grande Notte Bianca (The Great White Night), Rho, in the month of July. More information http://www.comune.trecate.no.it/Manifestazioni2003/Manifestazioni.htm
- La Notte Dei Lumi (Night Of Enlightenment), Cuggiono, in the month of July
Events around Milano in the month of May
- Festa Del 1° Maggio (Festival Of 1st May), Settimo Milanese, in the month of May
- Festa Della Sciresa (Festa Della Sciresa), Truccazzano, in the month of May. More information http://www.sanfamiano.com/
- Trecentesca (Trecentesca), Morimondo, in the month of May. More information http://www.consorzionavigli.it/
- Il Palio Senaghese di Senago (The Palio Senaghese Senatobia), Senago, in the month of May
- Medioevo a Binasco (Middle Ages in Binasco), Binasco, in the month of May. More information http://www.prolocobinasco.it/
- Serata In Castello E Sfilata Storica (Evening In Castle And Historical Parade), Binasco, in the month of May. More information mailto:prolocobinasco@gmail.com
Events around Milano in the month of October
- Il Palio del Pane di Gessate (The Palio of Gessate Bread), Gessate, in the month of October. More information http://web.tiscali.it/paciarela
- Milanocanta (Milanocanta), Milano, in the month of October. More information http://www.radiomeneghina.it/
- Seguro In Festa (Seguro In Festa), Settimo Milanese, in the month of October. More information http://www.facebook.com/pages/Comitato-Festa-di-San-Michele-Arcangelo-SAngelo-dIschia/252812774841648
- W Il Parco (W The Park), Cuggiono, in the month of October
Events around Milano in the month of June
- Anniversario della battaglia di Magenta (Anniversary of the Battle of Magenta), Magenta, in the month of June. More information http://www.battagliadimagenta.it/
- Cascine Olona In Festa (Cascine Olona In Festa), Settimo Milanese, in the month of June. More information http://www.facebook.com/events/599812346697501
- Festa Del Solstizio D'estate (Festival Of The Summer Solstice), Cuggiono, in the month of June. More information http://www.lafestadellefate.it/
- Festa Delle Associazioni (Feast Of Associations), Peschiera Borromeo, in the month of June. More information http://www.comune.villasanpietro.ca.it/
- Il Palio di Rodano (The Palio di Rhone), Rodano, in the month of June
- La Notte Romantica (The Romantic Night), Morimondo, in the month of June
- Melzo Estate (Melzo Estate), Melzo, in the month of June. More information http://www.facebook.com/pensieroattivo
- Mulino Day (Mill Day), Legnano, in the month of June
- Notte Bianca (White Night), Paullo, in the month of June
- Notte Cortese (Night Cortese), Villa Cortese, in the month of June
- Notti Bianche (Sleepless nights), Paullo, in the month of June. More information http://www.facebook.com/events/492712297541110
- Palio di San Pietro (Palio di San Pietro), Abbiategrasso, in the month of June. More information http://www.paliodisanpietro.it/
- Una Notte Di Note (A Night Of Notes), Settala, in the month of June
Events around Milano in the month of September
- Andar Per Secoli... Tra Arte E Musica (Andar For Centuries ... Between Art And Music), Lainate, in the month of September. More information http://www.comune.lainate.mi.it/
- Festa da la Sucia (Feast of the Sucia), Boffalora Sopra Ticino, in the month of September
- Festa Da La Sücia (Feast From The Sucia), Boffalora Sopra Ticino, in the month of September. More information http://www.facebook.com/SeptemberFestMarinadiCarrara
- Festa Del Volontariato (Festival Of Volunteers), Cinisello Balsamo, in the month of September
- Festa Della Smielatura (Feast Of Honey extraction), Cinisello Balsamo, in the month of September. More information http://www.comune.sandidero.to.it/
- Festa Della Strada Delle Abbazie (Feast Of The Road Abbeys), Morimondo, in the month of September. More information http://www.facebook.com/rapuanogastronomiasannita/
- Festa Di Senago (Festa Di Senago), a Senago, Senago, in the month of September. More information mailto:erbamatta@gmail.com
- Festa In Piazza (Feast In Piazza), Assago, in the month of September. More information http://www.facebook.com/fratres.niscemi
- Folkabbia' (Folkabbia '), Abbiategrasso, in the month of September. More information http://www.facebook.com/Renazzenfest/timeline
- Guiderdone Banino (Guiderdone Banino), Castello, San Colombano Al Lambro, in the month of September
- Il Palio tra i rioni di Pantigliate (The Palio among the districts of Pantigliate), Pantigliate, in the month of September
- Mangem In Strada (Mangem In Road), Peschiera Borromeo, in the month of September
- Sa Derva - Il Gusto Della Solidarieta' (Sa Derva - The Taste Of Solidarity '), a Cassano d'Adda, viale Carlo d'Adda, Cassano d'Adda, in the month of September
Events around Milano in the month of April
- Festival Celtico Dell'insubria Del Ticino (Celtic Festival Of Ticino Insubria), Marcallo Con Casone, in the month of April
- Palio Di Legnano (Palio Di Legnano), Legnano, in the month of April. More information http://www.paliodilegnano.it/
Events around Milano in the month of August
- Festa Del Paese (Festival Of Country), Cambiago, in the month of August. More information http://www.giugnonolano.com/
Events around Milano in the month of January
- Corteo dei Re Magi (Procession of the Three Kings), Milano, in the month of January. More information http://www.visitamilano.it/
- Falò Di S. Antonio (Bonfire Of San Antonio), Boffalora Sopra Ticino, in the month of January. More information http://www.regioneumbria.eu/
- Falò Di S.antonio (Bonfire Of S.antonio), Cuggiono, in the month of January
- Falò Di Sant'antonio (Bonfire Of Sant'antonio), Robecco Sul Naviglio, in the month of January. More information http://www.facebook.com/pages/Santuario-Madonna-dOgliastra/162527197130326
- Frittellata Di S. Antonio Abate (Frittellata St. Antonio Abate), Cassinetta Di Lugagnano, in the month of January
Events around Milano in the month of March
- Festa Celtica (Celtic Festival), Pioltello, in the month of March. More information http://www.aspenuoro.it/
- Festa Dell'acquanera (dell'Acquanera Festival), Boffalora Sopra Ticino, in the month of March. More information http://www.comune.viggianello.pz.it/
- Straoratorio (Straoratorio), Trezzo Sull'adda, in the month of March. More information http://www.sballiamocidivita.it/
Events around Milano in the month of December
- L'artigiano in fiera (The craftsman at the fair), Milano, in the month of December. More information http://www.expodeisapori.it/
Events around Milano in the month of February
- Cristo Uomo Della Pace (Christ Man of Peace), Paullo, in the month of February
- Fiera di San Apollonia (Fair St. Apollonia), a Pessano Con Bornago, Pessano Con Bornago, in the month of February
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You can find the list of all the events held in Milano at Milano's events page