Every year numerous events are held in Crotone in Calabria. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions

Events around Crotone in the month of May
- Amici Di San Rocco (In San Rocco Friends), Caccuri, in the month of May
- Madonna di Manipuglia (Madonna di Manipuglia), Crucoli, in the month of May
Events around Crotone in the month of August
- Le Krotoniadi di Crotone (The Krotoniadi of Crotone), Crotone, in the month of August. More information http://crotone.metropolisinfo.it/groupeventcalendar/eventview/91/?SectionIDOverride=24
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You can find the list of all the events held in Crotone at Crotone's events page