Every year numerous events are held in Cosenza in Calabria. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions

Events around Cosenza in the month of July
- Lungofiume Boulevard (riverfront Boulevard), Cosenza, in the month of July. More information http://www.fieradellazucca.it/
Events around Cosenza in the month of May
- La Festa della Bandiera di Morano Calabro (The Feast of the Flag of Morano Calabro), Morano Calabro, in the month of May. More information http://www.parcopollino.it/comuni/morano calabro.htm
- La Meglio Gioventù Calcistica (The Best of Youth Football club), Castrolibero, in the month of May
Events around Cosenza in the month of October
- Oktober Paola Fest Bier (Paola Oktober Fest Bier), Paola, in the month of October. More information mailto:info@gensdys.it
Events around Cosenza in the month of June
- Il Palio di Bisignano (The Palio di Bisignano), Bisignano, in the month of June. More information http://coseno.provincia.cs.it/provincia/websport.nsf/0/9E6F1CDDE50F7D4BC1256A5B004A2928
Events around Cosenza in the month of April
- Festa della Pita (Pita Festival), Alessandria Del Carretto, in the month of April. More information http://www.festadellabete.it/
- Fuochi Di San Marco (Fires San Marco), Rossano, in the month of April
- I Battenti di Verbicaro (The Flying Verbicaro), Verbicaro, in the month of April. More information http://www.comune.verbicaro.cs.it/
- Festa Del S.s. Crocifisso Della Riforma (Festival Of The Crucifix Of Ss Reform), Cosenza, in the month of April. More information http://www.prolocomonteforte.org/
- S.francesco Di Paola (S.francesco Di Paola), Paola, in the month of April
Events around Cosenza in the month of August
- Cos' I Nott Sound (Cos' I Nott Sound), Verbicaro, in the month of August. More information http://www.comune.marineo.pa.it/
- Fiera nel bosco (Fair in the woods), Castroregio, in the month of August
- La Giostra Normanna di San Marco Argentano (The Norman Giostra di San Marco Argentano), San Marco Argentano, in the month of August
- La Partita a scacchi con figuranti viventi di Amantea (The Chess game with living set of Amantea), Amantea, in the month of August. More information http://www.calabriatours.org/localita/amantea/scacchiviventi.htm
- Notti Bianca A Luzzi (Nights In White Luzzi), Luzzi, in the month of August
- Sambucina In Festa (Sambucina In Festa), Luzzi, in the month of August. More information http://www.msf-ischia.it/
Events around Cosenza in the month of March
- Festa dell'Annunziata (Feast of the Annunciation), Amendolara, in the month of March. More information http://www.comune.amendolara.cs.it/
Events around Cosenza in the month of November
- Per...bacco (Per ... bacco), Luzzi, in the month of November. More information http://www.facebook.com/proloco.cusercoli/?fref=ts
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You can find the list of all the events held in Cosenza at Cosenza's events page