Every year numerous events are held in Brindisi in Puglia. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions
Events around Brindisi in the month of July
- Notte Ercolana (Night Ercolana), Erchie, in the month of July. More information http://www.facebook.com/proloco.lubriano
Events around Brindisi in the month of October
- Giornate Medioevali (Medieval days), Brindisi, in the month of October. More information http://www.prolocobrindisimontagna.it/
Events around Brindisi in the month of June
- La notte di San Giovanni (The night of St. John), Ostuni, in the month of June. More information http://www.comune.ostuni.br.it/
- La Scamiciata di Fasano (The Scamiciata Fasano), Fasano, in the month of June. More information http://www.radiodiaconia.it/fasano/feste.htm
Events around Brindisi in the month of September
- Festa Ave Maristella (Feast Ave Maristella), Brindisi, in the month of September. More information http://www.comune.brindisi.it/
Events around Brindisi in the month of August
- Festa Di Cristo Crocifisso Redentore (Feast Of Christ Crucified Savior), Latiano, in the month of August
- Torneo dei rioni (tournament of the districts), Oria, in the month of August
- Vecchi Tempi Ostuni Animata (Old Times Ostuni Animated), Ostuni, in the month of August. More information http://www.facebook.com/gruppofolk.lastella
- Zona U (Zone U), Ceglie Messapica, in the month of August
Events around Brindisi in the month of March
- PASSIONE DI OSTUNI (PASSION OF OSTUNI), Ostuni, Via Val Veny, Bosco del Peuterey in Val Veny, Brindisi, in the month of March
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You can find the list of all the events held in Brindisi at Brindisi's events page