Every year numerous events are held in Barletta-Andria-Trani in Puglia. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions
Events around Barletta-Andria-Trani in the month of July
- Il Gioco del Fazzoletto di Ginevra (The Handkerchief Game Geneva), Barletta, in the month of July
- Lessico Sinodale (Synodal Lexicon), Trani, in the month of July. More information http://www.rifugiovaccaro.it/
Events around Barletta-Andria-Trani in the month of June
- Festa Del Parco Nazionale (Festival Of The National Park), Andria, in the month of June
- Lasciamo Spazio A Dio (Let God In Space), Barletta, in the month of June. More information http://www.editricerotas.it/catalogo/index.php/lessico-sinodale
Events around Barletta-Andria-Trani in the month of September
- Gran Galà Del Sud Premio Dea Ebe & Premio Smeraldo (South Prize Gala Goddess Hebe & Emerald Award), Canosa Di Puglia, in the month of September
- La Disfida di Barletta (The Challenge of Barletta), Barletta, in the month of September. More information http://www.barlettacity.it/
Events around Barletta-Andria-Trani in the month of April
- Fiera d'Aprile (April Fair), Andria, in the month of April. More information http://www.fieradaprile.it/
Events around Barletta-Andria-Trani in the month of August
- Festa Della Civiltà Contadina (Of Rural Culture Festival), Minervino Murge, in the month of August. More information http://www.facebook.com/Infiorata-di-Cannara-497829997078512/timeline
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