Every year numerous events are held in Bari in Puglia. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions
Events around Bari in the month of July
- Alberobello A.D. 1797 (Alberobello AD 1797), Alberobello, in the month of July
- Corrado IV di Svevia a Casamassima (Conrad IV of Swabia in Casamassima), Casamassima, in the month of July. More information http://www.stupormundi.it/Corteo_Corrado_IV.htm
- Madonna Del Pozzo (Madonna Del Pozzo), Capurso, in the month of July. More information http://www.basilicataturistica.com/
- Maria SS. di Mellitto (Maria SS. of Mellitto), Grumo Appula, in the month of July. More information http://www.madonnadimellitto.it/
- Palio Dei Capatosta (Palio dei Capatosta), Mola Di Bari, in the month of July. More information http://www.paliodeicapatosta.com/
Events around Bari in the month of May
- 1° Maggio A Fornello (May 1 A Cooker), Altamura, in the month of May
- Corteo Storico-rievocativo Della Battaglia Di Bitonto (Historical Parade-reminiscent Della Battaglia Di Bitonto), Bitonto, in the month of May. More information https://www.facebook.com/AssociazioneCulturaleAccademiaDellaBattaglia/?fref=ts
- Madonna della Fonte (Madonna della Fonte), Conversano, in the month of May. More information http://comitatofestapatronaleconversano.blogspot.it/
- Mercato Medievale (Medieval market), Bitetto, in the month of May. More information http://www.facebook.com/prolocobitetto
Events around Bari in the month of October
- Festa Della Vendemmia (Of Holiday Harvest), Monopoli, in the month of October
- Improvvisarte (Improvvisarte), Putignano, in the month of October
- La Pigiatura Dell'uva (The Crushing Grapes), Locorotondo, in the month of October. More information http://www.facebook.com/eclepticamusical.compagniateatrale/
Events around Bari in the month of June
- Beer In The Cave (Beer In The Cave), Putignano, in the month of June
- Museo Vivente Del Trullo (Del Trullo Living Museum), Alberobello, in the month of June. More information http://www.artecalberobello.it/
- Nella Notte Di San Giovanni (The Night Of St. John), Putignano, in the month of June. More information http://www.comune.putignano.ba.it/
- Notte di San Giovanni (St John's Night), Bitetto, in the month of June. More information http://www.prolocobitetto.com/
- RUVO, CARAFA E LA LEGGENDA (RUVO, CARAFA AND THE LEGEND), Ruvo di Puglia, San Gimignano, Bari, in the month of June. More information info@culturaetmemoria.it
Events around Bari in the month of September
- Festa del Crocifisso (Feast of the Crucifix), Rutigliano, in the month of September. More information http://www.comune.rutigliano.ba.it/
- La Notte Degli Angeli (Night Of The Angels), Bitritto, in the month of September. More information http://www.comune.sanmauriziocanavese.to.it/
- RADUNO INTERNAZIONALE DEI CORTEI STORICI (INTERNATIONAL MEETING OF HISTORICAL PROCESSIONS), Gravina in Puglia, Largo Palizze, Bari, in the month of September. More information info@nundinae.it
- Ss. Medici Cosma E Damiano (Ss. Cosma and Damiano), Alberobello, in the month of September
Events around Bari in the month of April
- Corteo Storico Ad Altamura (Historical Parade Altamura), Altamura, in the month of April. More information http://www.federicus.it/
- Federicus Festa medievale (Federicus Medieval Festival), Altamura, in the month of April. More information http://www.federicus.it/
Events around Bari in the month of August
- Bella Di Sera (Beautiful Evening), Ruvo Di Puglia, in the month of August. More information mailto:ufficiostampatdgbelluno@gmail.com
- La Notte Dei Briganti (Night Of Briganti), Alberobello, in the month of August. More information http://www.facebook.com/pages/la-notte-dei-briganti-alberobello/95168945613
- Le Notti Della Contea (Le Notti County), Conversano, in the month of August. More information http://www.sensazionidelsud.it/
- Le Sagre Di San Pio X (The Festivals Of St. Pius X), a Molfetta, Molfetta, in the month of August. More information http://www.sanpioxmolfetta.it/
- San Rocco A Casamassima (San Rocco A Casamassima), Casamassima, in the month of August
Events around Bari in the month of January
- Le Fanove (the Fanove), Castellana Grotte, in the month of January. More information http://www.comitatofestepatronali.it/
- I Falò Nella Città Delle Grotte (The Bonfire In The City Of Caves), Castellana Grotte, in the month of January. More information http://www.pontineltempo.it/
Events around Bari in the month of March
- Grandiosa Fanova di San Giuseppe (Grandiose Fanova of St. Joseph), Santeramo In Colle, in the month of March. More information http://www.comune.santeramo.ba.it/
- Il Calderone della Tradizione (The Cauldron of Tradition), Sannicandro Di Bari, in the month of March
- Il Falò di San Giuseppe (The Bonfire of San Giuseppe), Locorotondo, in the month of March
- Riti della Settimana Santa (Rites of Holy Week), Bitonto, in the month of March. More information http://www.comune.bitonto.ba.it/
Events around Bari in the month of December
- Pettole nelle gnostre (Pettole in gnostre), Noci, in the month of December. More information http://www.pettolenellegnostre.it/
Events around Bari in the month of February
- Il Palio del Viccio di Palo del Colle (The Palio of Viccio of Palo del Colle), Palo del Colle, in the month of February. More information http://www.comune.palo-del-colle.ba.it/vicciostor.htm
- Palio Del Viccio (Palio Del Viccio), Palo Del Colle, in the month of February. More information http://www.comune.palodelcolle.ba.it/
Events around Bari in the month of November
- Bacco Nelle Gnostre (Bacchus In Gnostre), a Noci, Noci, in the month of November. More information http://www.formichedipuglia.it/
- Festa di San Trifone (Feast of St. Tryphon), Adelfia, in the month of November. More information http://www.adelfiacomitatosantrifone.it/
- Il Cardoncello Novello (The Cardoncello Novello), a Gravina In Puglia, Gravina In Puglia, in the month of November. More information http://www.sagradelcardoncello.com/
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You can find the list of all the events held in Bari at Bari's events page