Every year numerous events are held in Asti in Piemonte. Historical events, pageants, palios, processions and religious events are repeated and revive new emotions

Events around Asti in the month of July
- Azzano In Fiamme (Azzano In Flames), Azzano D'asti, in the month of July. More information http://www.azzanoinfiamme.org/
- Festa San Rocco (Feast of San Rocco), Castelnuovo Belbo, in the month of July
- Incisa 1514 (engraved 1514), Incisa Scapaccino, in the month of July. More information http://www.incisa1514.info/
Events around Asti in the month of May
- Festa Delle Orchidee Spontanee (Feast Of Orchids Spontanee), Loazzolo, in the month of May. More information http://www.ognidea.com/
- Tuttinpiazza Insieme A Don Bosco (Tuttinpiazza Together At Don Bosco), Castelnuovo Don Bosco, in the month of May. More information http://www.uisp.it/emiliaromagna
Events around Asti in the month of October
- Corsa ragliante (braying Race), Calliano, in the month of October. More information http://www.comunedicalliano.it/
- Festa Di Fine Vendemmia (End Of Grape Harvest Festival), Loazzolo, in the month of October
- Grande Ceciata (Great Ceciata), ad Asti, San Marzanotto, Asti, in the month of October
Events around Asti in the month of June
- Assedio Di Canelli (Siege Of Canelli), Canelli, in the month of June. More information http://www.canellieventi.it/
- Festa Delle Cucine Monferrine (Feast Of Kitchens Monferrine), Moncalvo, in the month of June
- Fiera Carrettesca (Fair Carrettesca), a Roccaverano, Roccaverano, in the month of June. More information http://www.comune.roccaverano.at.it/
- Gianduja Torna Al Ciabot (Gianduja Back At Ciabot), Castell'alfero, in the month of June. More information http://www.facebook.com/pages/Festa-dello-Sportivo-Monterotondo-2015/834883406598611
- L'Assedio di Canelli (The Siege of Canelli), Canelli, in the month of June. More information http://www.assediodicanelli.it/
Events around Asti in the month of September
- Douja d'Or (Douja d'Or), Asti, in the month of September. More information http://www.doujador.it/
- Il Palio di Asti (The Palio di Asti), Asti, in the month of September. More information http://www.comune.asti.it/manifestazioni/palio.shtml
- Il Palio di Cocconato (The Palio di Cocconato), Cocconato, in the month of September. More information http://www.cocconato.it/palio.htm
- La Notte Dei Cinque Sensi (Night Of The Five Senses), Canelli, in the month of September
- PALIO DI ASTI 2016 (PALIO OF ASTI 2016), Asti, 53031 Casole d?Elsa, Asti, in the month of September. More information www.comune.asti.it/pagina875_ilpaliodiasti.html
- Palio di Asti (Palio di Asti), Asti, in the month of September. More information http://www.palio.asti.it/
Events around Asti in the month of April
- ANTICA GIOSTRA DEL PITU (ANTIQUE CAROUSEL OF PITU), Tonco, Via Tirotti, 11, Asti, in the month of April. More information www.comune.tonco.at.it/
- Giostra Del Pitu (Giostra del Pitu), Tonco, in the month of April. More information http://www.comune.tonco.at.it/
- La Vittoria Di Aleramo Sui Saraceni (The Victory Aleramo On Saracens), Vinchio, in the month of April. More information http://www.comune.vinchio.at.it/
- Notte Bianca E Carretera (White Night And Carretera), Isola D'asti, in the month of April. More information http://www.nottinelmiranese.it/notte-bianca-a-salzano
Events around Asti in the month of August
- Festa Delle Figlie (Feast Of Daughters), Bubbio, in the month of August
- Sandapericena Sotto Le Lanterne (Sandapericena Under The Lanterns), San Damiano D'asti, in the month of August. More information http://www.comune.piglio.fr.it/
Events around Asti in the month of December
- Fiera del Bue Grasso (Fiera del Bue Grasso), a Moncalvo, Moncalvo, in the month of December
Events around Asti in the month of November
- Assaggio D'autunno Nei Vigneti Brichet (Autumn Vineyards Tasting In Brichet), Isola D'asti, in the month of November
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You can find the list of all the events held in Asti at Asti's events page