Events in Quiliano
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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Quiliano
Town festivities and fairs in Quiliano
- Agrigustaquiliano(Agrigustaquiliano), in the month of September.
- Festa Dell'autunno(Of Autumn festival), in the month of October.
- Note Sotto Le Stelle(beneath the stars), in the month of August. More information www.facebook.com/cacciatore.casella.9.
Sagre (festivals) in Quiliano
- Saperi e sapori dabbazia: miele, birra e distillati.(Knowledge and Abbey flavors: honey, beer and spirits.), in the month of May.
Click here to find out the weekly market day in Quiliano
Add other events taking place in Quiliano. Contact us @Happings.