Events in Massa-Marittima
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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Massa Marittima
Archery Girifalco
It is one of the most important historical re-enactments of the Maremma and consists of a fascinating contest of skill in precision crossbow by Italian mail. Participating 8 archers for each of the 3 terzieri in which the city is divided: Cittanuova (white, red and green), Stari Grad (white, black and yellow) and Borgo (golden yellow, blue and red) .. Every year in May and in August. P>
Historical events and pageants in Massa Marittima
Fra gli eventi principali che si svolgono durante lanno si possono menzionare:
- Balestro Del Girifalco(Il Balestro del Girifalco), in the month of August. More information www.societaterzierimassetani.it/.
- Il Balestro del Girifalco di Massa Marittima ( The Balestro del Girifalco - Massa Marittima ), in the month of May. More information http://www.massamarittima.info/folklore/balestro.htm.
Town festivities and fairs in Massa Marittima
- Celebrazioni In Onore Di San Cerbone(Celebrations In Honour Of San Cerbone), in the month of October.
- Sapori D'autunno(Autumn flavors), in the month of November.
Click here to find out the weekly market day in Massa Marittima
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