Events in Lonate-Pozzolo
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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Lonate Pozzolo
Sagre (festivals) in Lonate Pozzolo
- EatVegan | sagra eno-gastronomica vegana e cruelty free(EatVegan | wine and food festival vegan and cruelty free), in the month of June.
- Festa D'estate(In summer party), in the month of June. More information
- Festa di fine estate (Summer end party ), in the month of September.
- Sapori di montagna e... non solo(mountain flavors and not only ...), in the month of November.
Festival in Lonate Pozzolo
- Lonate Spring Festival(Lonate Spring Festival), in the month of May. More information
Town festivities and fairs in Lonate Pozzolo
- Meat Meets Beer(Meat Meets Beer), in the month of August. More information
Click here to find out the weekly market day in Lonate Pozzolo
Add other events taking place in Lonate Pozzolo. Contact us @Happings.