Events in Gorreto
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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Gorreto
Town festivities and fairs in Gorreto
- Festa Del Vino E Carne Alla Brace(Festival Of Wine And Carne), in the month of August.
- Festa Delle Aie(Festa Delle Aie), in the month of August. More information www.lesanelcuore.com/.
- Festa Di San Siro(As a San Siro party), in the month of May. More information www.parrocchiadelrovo.it/.
Sagre (festivals) in Gorreto
- Sagra del vino e della carne alla brace(festival of wine and grilled meat), in the month of August.
- Sagra Della Castagna(THE CHESTNUT FESTIVAL), in the month of November. More information www.facebook.com/proloco.gorreto.
- Sagra della pasta e fagioli(Festival of pasta and beans), in the month of June.
- Sagra Pasta E Fagioli(Sagra Pasta E Fagioli), in the month of May.
Add other events taking place in Gorreto. Contact us @Happings.