Events in Finale-Ligure
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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Finale Ligure
Travel in the Middle Ages
The city streets are populated by hundreds of characters in medieval clothes. Across the country flourish the old shops, while musicians, peasants and beggars await the Marquis .. Every year in August. P>
Town festivities and fairs in Finale Ligure
- Cioccolato A Palazzo(Chocolate A Palazzo), in the month of November. More information www.facebook.com/CioccolatoAPalazzo/timeline.
Historical events and pageants in Finale Ligure
Fra gli eventi principali che si svolgono durante lanno si possono menzionare:
- Festa Della Liberazione(Liberation Day), in the month of April. More information www.facebook.com/anpifinaleligure/.
- La Festa del Marchesato di Finale Ligure (The Feast of the Marquis of Finale Ligure ), in the month of July. More information http://www.centrostoricofinale.it/.
Click here to find out the weekly market day in Finale Ligure
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