Events in Campoli-Appennino
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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Campoli Appennino
Sagre (festivals) in Campoli Appennino
- Festa del tartufo nero estivo(Feast of black truffle), in the month of August.
- Sagra del Tartufo bianco pregiato(Truffle Festival prized white), in the month of November.
- Sagra Della Miseria(Of Misery Festival), in the month of September. More information www.tartufodicampoli.it/.
- Tartufo Nero Pregiato Di Campoli Appennino(Black Truffle Of Campoli Appennino), in the month of February.
Town festivities and fairs in Campoli Appennino
- Fiera Nazionale Del Tartufo Estivo(National Truffle Fair Summer), in the month of August. More information www.vigorock.it/.
Historical events and pageants in Campoli Appennino
Fra gli eventi principali che si svolgono durante lanno si possono menzionare:
- Il Palio Campolese di Campoli Appennino (The Palio Campolese of Campoli Appennino ), in the month of August.
Click here to find out the weekly market day in Campoli Appennino
Add other events taking place in Campoli Appennino. Contact us @Happings.