Events in Bernalda
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In this page you can find a not - comprehensive list of events taking place in Bernalda
Town festivities and fairs in Bernalda
- Festa Di San Bernardino(Festa Di San Bernardino), in the month of August. More information www.facebook.com/Pro-Loco-Pisoniano-310706042399321/?fref=ts.
Historical events and pageants in Bernalda
Fra gli eventi principali che si svolgono durante lanno si possono menzionare:
- Il Corteo Storico di Attila di Bernalda (The historical parade of Attila of Bernalda ), in the month of August. More information http://www.comune.bernalda.matera.it/default.asp?pag=territorio/pinacoteca/default.asp&m=21.
Festival in Bernalda
- Metaponto Beach Festival(Metaponto Beach Festival), in the month of August. More information info@metapontobeach.it.
Sagre (festivals) in Bernalda
- Sagra Carne E Vino(Meat And Wine Festival), in the month of May.
- Sagra Del Cinghiale(Wild Boar Festival), in the month of August. More information www.comune.bernalda.matera.it/.
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